Silently Judging You… Until Now!

The last couple of entries have been a bit heavy. So what better way to switch it up than to throw the judgement card on society, right? I mean, let’s face it, we could all use a laugh at the dumb shit we do (yes, this includes me). I will never judge you for your race, religion or sexual orientation. However, I did make a “short” list of some shit I will definitely judge you on, daily.

Not signaling while driving: Nothing gets under my skin more than someone who cuts me off without using the signal. And just to take it one step further, when the driver in front of you is debating on whether or not to cut you off, so they hang out in-between the lanes. REALLY guy? Pick A Lane Already!!


How you put the toilet paper on the roll. Yes, this is the debate of all debates. First part of the problem, replacing the toilet paper. Once you’ve conquered that step, if you put the toilet paper on under vs. over, we’re going to have a problem. It’s over, ALWAYS (see diagram below)!


How you treat wait staff. This should be a given, but I’m appalled at the amount of people that treat wait staff so horribly. Like they’re the ones who are BRINGING your food to you. You could be a BIT nicer to the. Sure, there are some that aren’t the greatest, but given what they’re NOT paid, I’d probably have a shitty attitude that I have to be nice to someone for an entire hour (or more), and maybe get $5 tip.


Travel etiquette. There are so many layers to this, but the one thing I’m going to definitely judge you on is the deboarding process. Specifically, those who are seated in the back of the plane and as soon as the seatbelt sign light turns off, y’all get up with the quickness. You’re literally going to be sitting here for at LEAST another 10 minutes, if you’re lucky, so can I ask a serious question…


Sidewalk etiquette. Growing up in the city, one thing that really grates my cheese is when people, specifically tourist, stop in the middle of the sidewalk not realizing that there might be someone behind you (it’s me. I’m someone). And the speed in which I’m walking doesn’t allow for a lot of stoppage time/maneuverability around you, so guess what? CRASH! Who’s fault is it? It’s yours. Use Your Blinkah and move to the side of the sidewalk. It’s NOT that hard.


There, Their, They’re. Let’s break this down. “They’re (they are) parking their (car belongs to them) car there (where the car is parked)”. This also includes Where We’re Were and a plethora of other series of words. I can’t tell you how many statuses/articles I’ve stopped reading because of the misuse of a homophone. I know the English language as a whole can be a pain, however Google is a thing. Please use it!


Well, that’s all I have for now. I know I can’t be the only one to have experienced these, so let me know what you think. Comment, share, like and everything in between. Hope you got some kind of chuckle out of this. Until next entry… peace xoxox


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